“At the core of my work is managing stress levels through acupuncture, essential oils, and vibrational sound healing. One of the joys of my profession is that I get to develop long-standing relationships with my patients. I help them relieve physical and emotional pain, boost self-esteem, transform addictions and even conceive children. I choose to treat one person at a time, with customized care and attention.”
- Diana Horowitz, M.S., L.Ac.
Diana approaches her practice as an alchemist
Her unique schooling taught her to weave together elements of Japanese, Five Element, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Trigger Point Release acupuncture and customize treatments to the needs of her patients.
Diana offers the options of integrating acupuncture, essential oils and tuning forks into all of her acupuncture treatments, whether you are coming to see her for aesthetic or facial rejuvenation acupuncture, pain management, or general well-being.
What Diana’s patients say:
Located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, we provide a space to de-stress, re-vitalize, rebalance and slow down.
Opal Acupuncture, LLC
Clear Creek Offices
4251 Kipling Street, Suite 160
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033